End of the year soccer tournaments...check. Band concert...check. Balloon launch....check. 5th grade continuation....check.
And it was TIME TO GO. So off we went...headed up north as far as we could in just a few days. First stop: Badlands. We'd never stopped here before despite the short-ish drive, but consider that remedied. We will definitely be back even if just for the dark and quiet.
We lucked out and snagged a room in the park at Cedar Pass Lodge. The room/cabin had a deck with a rocking chair, two huge beds and a view! We were deeply satisfied in the dark quiet after a whole lot of end-of-school-year chaos. Om. Let that shit go.
We tackled the Medicine Root-Castle loop from Saddle Pass trailhead. And then we landed on another planet...
Fortunately we came back to Earth for the golden hour.
And could not resist climbing the crumbly hills.
Which the ranger said is totally fine. Junior Ranger badges...check.
Alas, wanderlust got the best of us and our quick pass through the Badlands came to an early end. We had to GO! (But not before a quick but overwhelming stop in Wall.)